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Impressive Fundraising

by Haddenham Webteam – 16th February 2017
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We've said it before, and we'll say it again: the Haddenham community is very generous when it comes to charitable donations. Here we report the results of specific charitable endeavours carried out in the run-up to Christmas.

Christmas Tree Festival 2016
Valerie Walker

Organisers of the Christmas Tree Festival were delighted with the response and support from so many community groups and individuals for the festival, with forty-three fabulously decorated trees bringing visitors thronging into St. Mary's church from far and wide.

The festival visitors' book was filled with positive comments, showing how much everyone's efforts were appreciated with observations such as these: "Beautiful church, friendly welcome and an amazing expression of community spirit"; "Just visiting, inspired by the display"; and "We all had a lovely time and loved the chocolate cake!"

Generous donations have meant that The organising team has been able to donate a total of £1,300 to Haddenham Community Library and Friends of St. Mary's Church.

None of this would have been possible without the support of so many people who decorated trees, made decorations, donated cakes and gave their time and talents to make this community event such a success.

St. Mary's Church is delighted to host the festival and the team are already planning for 2017. If you would like to get involved please email christmastreefestival@haddenhamstmarys.org. Look out on Haddenham.net for confirmation of dates and the 2017 launch in the autumn.

Haddenham Mummers
Tim Chowns

The Haddenham Mummers held their annual presentation evening on Wednesday 15th February at The Green Dragon.

The Mummers had their most successful year, collecting over £3,000 which was distributed between the Community Library (£660), the Thursday Club (£660), MPS (£660), the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway (£660) and the Haddenham to Aylesbury Cycleway (£300).

All the cheques were gratefully received and will be put to very good use by these worthwhile causes.

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