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Improving Local GP Care

by Haddenham Webteam – 17th February 2015
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An active group of patients registered with Haddenham Medical Centre meets every two months, to liaise closely with GPs and their professional colleagues to hear about updates and improvements in the GP services and to provide feedback from patients. The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is open to all patients registered with the Haddenham Practice. Please get in touch if you would like to be kept informed of future meetings, either by email: chairman@theppg.org or by speaking to a receptionist at the Medical Centre.

One of the continuing challenges for the Haddenham Practice, like all GP services in the UK, is providing the highest possible quality of primary healthcare with ever-decreasing resources relative to patient demand. The Haddenham practice faces even more significant challenges given the relatively high age profile of its patient population and the tendency for healthcare needs to increase as people get older. The growth of Haddenham and the average increase in life expectancy will only add to these pressures on resources.

So, part of the role of the Haddenham Medical Centre PPG is to help raise funds for medical and other equipment that could not otherwise be afforded or justified in the face of routine, day-to-day priorities.

One of the primary fundraising initiatives is the PPG 200 Club.

Long-term residents of Haddenham may recall a similar monthly draw organised by the Haddenham Health Supporters' Group, which raised a total of over £30,000 for the purchase of special medical equipment in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Current ambitions are far more modest, but the Haddenham Medical Centre PPG is looking to help raise funds for the purchase an electronic device that measures the Ankle Brachial Pressure Index – that is, to assess lower limb circulation problems that can cause leg ulcers.

Poor circulation in the lower limbs causes significant pain and problems for patients and caring for such patients makes up a significant proportion of Practice Nurse time. So by focusing on this problem with a specific instrument the Practice hopes to improve the care of leg ulcers so that they can be healed quicker.

And in using the new device, Practice Nurses will be able to carry out such assessments much more quickly and this will free up the nurses' time to do other things.

Purchasing such equipment is beyond the financial resources of the Haddenham Practice. But by joining the PPG 200 Club, you can help raise the necessary funds.

It costs £25 per year to join, and for this you will be entered into a monthly draw, with £50, £25 and £10 cash prizes every month. The first draw for 2015 took place in January, but if you act quickly, you can join in time for the March draw, meaning that you still have 10 chances to win a cash prize this year!

If you are already a member then why not double your winning chance and buy a second ticket?!

You do not have to be a patient at Haddenham Medical Centre to join the PPG 200 Club, but you must be 18 or over!

You can download the membership form from this page (see PDF below the image) or collect a paper copy from the Medical Centre. The completed form should be returned to:
Lesley Coles, 52 Stokes End, Haddenham, HP17 8DX
You can contact Lesley for more information by telephone: 07711 832898
or email: lesleycoles.uk@googlemail.com.

Please make cheques payable to PPG 200 Club

Please join the club and help us to help our GPs!

Act quickly if you want to catch the next Draw, which takes place on 20th March.

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