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Induction Service for Amanda

by Haddenham Webteam – 11th September 2016
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Following three years as Minister in Training, Amanda Pink was ordained in July at Strode Crescent Baptist Church, Isle of Sheppey.

On Saturday 10th September, having been called unanimously by the members of Haddenham-cum-Dinton Baptist Church to be their full-time minister, Amanda's induction service was conducted at the church, where a large congregation of friends, colleagues, family, church members and many from the local community gathered to welcome and confirm their support for Amanda.

During the service, led by Rev. Geoff Colmer, representatives from a wide range of organisations expressed their delight that Amanda had accepted the invitation to become the local Baptist minister. Greetings and felicitations were expressed on behalf of Churches Together in Haddenham, Amanda's "sending church" (Minster Road Baptist Church), the local schools, the Central Baptist Association, Thame and Villages Lighthouse and the local Baptist family.

All were keen to acknowledge the warmth and natural charm that Amanda brought to her role, the ease with which she is able to build close relationships with young and old alike, and their delight in her decision to remain in Haddenham following her three years as Minister in Training.

In an insightful sermon delivered by Rev. Steve Barber, church members were reminded that Amanda's role was to be attentive to God, and to help others to achieve that same ideal. She should not be distracted from her key focus by the administrative and management activities that can overwhelm a new minister, and encouraged church members to be mindful of the need to support Amanda in the everyday practical challenges of running the church.

Following the service, guests adjourned to Haddenham Village Hall, where they enjoyed a very impressive tea party in celebration of Amanda's induction.

On behalf of the Haddenham community, we add our sincere best wishes to Amanda. We are truly delighted that she is staying here and continuing to play such a significant part in the life of our village. She is very much loved and admired.

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