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Jabs at the Pharmacy

by Haddenham Webteam – 14th May 2021
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covid19 vaccine

The Haddenham pharmacy is doing AZ first and second jabs again from tomorrow for the next few weeks and in order to avoid wasting precious vaccine doses, will need some people who can be rung at the last minute for spare vaccines each day. Do you know anyone who:

  • is over 40*, has not already had their first jab and would like to have the AZ vaccination at the Haddenham pharmacy?
  • has already had AZ first jab and is waiting for their second jab

... and had their first AZ jab at least 8 wks ago (ie before they can book on the NHS system which is currently 11 weeks after the first jab)

... and once the 8 wk after 1st jab criterion above is met, would be interested in being jabbed at short notice at the Haddenham pharmacy earlier than waiting for the appointment through the NHS system?

If so, I can put them on the 'last minute' list at the Haddenham pharmacy and they could be called for short notice availability.

I would need their name, dob, date of first jab (where relevant), mobile phone number and NHS number.

*(People under 40 can still choose to have the AZ vaccine as their first jab and may be able to get vaccinated quicker than waiting for the Pfizer vaccine to be available for them)

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