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Key Issue for Haddenham

by Haddenham Webteam – 15th January 2014
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Public Consultation:
Sat. 25th January, 10am-3pm, Village Hall

The preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan is, arguably, the single most important issue for Haddenham at the present time.

Once prepared and published, this document will help to define the kind of place we'd like Haddenham to be over the next 10-15 years – its facilities, its community priorities and its overall culture and shape. The Neighbourhood Plan will also provide strong guidelines for the style and location of new housing development within, and extending, the village boundaries. Without such a document, developers have much greater freedom to build whatever and wherever they choose. The views of the Parish Council would have little relevance, and even the the Aylesbury Vale planning authorities would have modest powers to influence such development.

It is vitally important that everyone with a view has an opportunity to help shape this document and feels able to do so. Indeed, to be published and accepted as a statutory instrument by the relevant authorities, those responsible for preparing the Neighbourhood Plan need to demonstrate that they have consulted as widely as possible and have taken into account the views of all individuals, groups and organisations with a relevant interests. This includes schools, sports and social clubs, churches and local businesses as well as residents of all ages and socio-demographic groups.

So what progress has been made to date? Here's an update from the Neighbourhood Planning Team:

The Neighbourhood Plan team have consulted a number of village organisations and individuals on how you want the village to develop. Thank you for your feedback if you have already contributed, and we'd love to hear from you again. We have distilled these thoughts into a leaflet that can be downloaded from this page – click on the PDF link below the photograph. This collection of early thoughts provide an indication of the stage we have reached so far in terms of the principles of our work. These principles should provide the framework around which can start to draft the plan over the next couple of months.

Our next step is to test these principles and add a little "meat to the bones". To this end we are holding a drop-in event in the Village Hall on Saturday 25th January, to which you are invited. Please feel free to attend for as long (or as short) a time as you have available, between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Refreshments will be available.

After this event, the displays will be on tour at various locations around the village, so if you are unavailable on the 25th January, you will have further opportunities to comment at other times.

We hope to see you on the 25th.
Kind regards

Kim Biddulph
Secretary, Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan
01844 292805

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