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Lighthouse 2015

by Haddenham Webteam – 3rd August 2015
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Last week saw Thame show ground covered with marquees, portaloos and metres of fencing as nearly 1000 primary school aged children gathered daily for the annual Lighthouse holiday club, run by churches in Thame and the surrounding villages.

Haddenham was well represented by many children and 29 adult helpers. Almost 460 adults in total, together with teenage helpers, ensured that all the children were kept safe as they had fun with sports, craft, music, dance and stories – not forgetting the custard pies and 'gunge' liberally applied daily to nominated helpers, much to the delight of the children! Children were divided into small groups within each age group called 'lighthouses', each with an adult 'lighthouse keeper' and a teenage 'lamplighter'.

Alongside the main Lighthouse activities were the Parent and Toddler tent which attracted around 300 adults, babies and small children each day with toys, crafts and refreshments, Halogen, the evening fun for teenage helpers, and Silver Lighthouse for the over 55s in St Mary's Church, Thame.

The theme for the week was Saul who became Paul after meeting the risen Jesus Christ and whose life was changed, together with the adventures, difficulties and joys he subsequently faced as a follower of Jesus.

Haddenham children particularly liked the daily 'gungings', biscuit decorating in the craft tent, puppet theatre in Parent and Toddlers, days when crazy hairdos or pirate costume were encouraged, learning sign language in the 4-5s tent and 'everything'.

"Although tiring, it was a brilliant five days and I can't wait to do it again next year" stated a Lighthouse keeper of 6-year-olds).

For your diaries, next year's Lighthouse will be from July 25-29th 2016.

See the Lighthouse website for details and a lovely photo gallery of this year's event.

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