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Local Police Update

by PCSO Danny Fahy – 6th April 2022
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Waddesdon Neighbourhood Police Team (Thames Valley Police) has provided the following update on issues affecting Haddenham.

The incidents recorded are just a snapshot of incidences that occurred within the parish between 1st January 2021 and 1st April 2022. I have tried to provide accurate data but, given the variable information around addresses using our current police system, some incidents may be under-reported.

  • Action Fraud (scamming the public) 1 incident reported
  • Burglary in a Non-Dwelling 1 (garage/shed)
  • Road traffic Collision involving injury 1
  • Road Traffic Collisions non- injury 4
  • Criminal Damage 4 incidents reported
  • Theft from Vehicles 1 incidents reported

Fraud against the public is a growing issue that affects us all. We would urge residents to be aware of strangers making contact by phone, Email, mail, or door-to-door asking for your details. Do not give your personal details to anyone that you do not know!

Dog Risk to Animals
One of the issues that is a concern to the rural community is sheep being attacked. The latest one being in the area of Woodham / Quainton. According to the owner. seven sheep have been killed by a dog. Furthermore, on 29th December 2021 five sheep had been killed by a dog in Doddershall.

While there is a limited amount that Thames Valley Police can do, we have been giving out" Dog Owner" warning posters, we have been conducting patrols in the area especially in the evenings and also making enquiries with local dog owners. We would ask the public to be mindful of this issue and make us aware of any dog owners letting their dog off leads in areas where sheep graze.

Now that we are saying good bye to the winter season and welcoming Spring I would urge anyone venturing out to tend to their gardens to be aware of where they store their garden machinery and power tools etc. Unfortunately, criminals are always looking for ways to take your property. Check your locks, consider lighting, CCTV and laser alarms to protect your property.

On a lighter note, since PC Tom Chalk has left Thames Valley Police, we will be welcoming Eleanor Fenemore, our new PC supervisor to Waddesdon in May. She grew up around these parts and has a wealth of knowledge regarding farming, crime and members of the farming community.

While Thames Valley is going through some challenging times regarding resourcing, I am happy to say that the Waddesdon team should not be greatly affected by this. I have been informed that the resourcing issue should be resolved by the end of the year.

PCSO Danny Fahy
Aylesbury North Team

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