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Local Theatre Company

by Haddenham Webteam – 29th August 2023
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Four-Eyed Theatre is a street theatre company recently founded by the young director Theo Kennedy, a Haddenham resident.

Four-Eyed Theatre is a company of young professionals who have recently graduated from the acting course at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts. Its members are all at the beginning of their acting careers and all share a passion for creating work that speaks to their generation.
Through their engagement with young people and community groups, Four-Eyed Theatre creates work that gives underrepresented voices a platform. Working with movement, clowning, rhythm, puppetry and visual media, it helps others see their lives differently.

They run movement and puppetry workshops with neurodiverse children and vulnerable young adults, working in partnership with the Oxford Centre for Life Writing and Beautiful Creatures Outdoor Theatre.

They are interested in working with anyone who wants to tell their story in new and creative ways. 

Four-eyed Theatre recently performed their show 'Emoto-Matic' at Aylesbury's Park Life weekend, to great acclaim, despite appalling weather conditions! They are currently on a London tour, performing on the South Bank, at Camden Fringe and at Covent Garden.

However, they need Haddenham's help.

Their shows involve building small sets, and they are hoping that there is someone in Haddenham who might have some spare garage space, or small barn, or similar, in which they might be able to store them. The company members are all full-time students, with next-to-no income, so can't afford to rent storage at commercial prices, and are hoping that there might be someone in the area who has some space to lend them, even in the short term, helping them in the very early days of their careers.

That would be hugely appreciated, and they would be happy to help with jobs around the house, gardening, or any other useful task they could perform to show their gratitude!

If you are in a position to help, please call them on 07815 750 848; they'd be absolutely delighted.

For more information see: www.foureyedtheatre.com

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