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Margaret Watkins' Funeral

by Haddenham Webteam – 7th May 2021
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We have received the following from Alan Watkins.

Margaret's funeral will be held on Wednesday 19th May at 1.30pm, at Haddenham Parish Church of St Mary's, followed by burial at Aston Sandford Church.

Due to current Covid social distancing restrictions there will be limitations on church attendance (50 people only) so attendance will be by invitation only to family and closest friends and representatives of Margaret's many interests.

The committal at Aston Sandford will be family only.

The hearse will proceed slowly down Townside to Station Road and then on to St Mary's. Alan and Margaret's sister Joan will follow by car and the family will follow in an informal procession on foot. Other mourners or friends who wish to join the procession are welcome, even if not able to attend the service.

There are to be family flowers only. However, donations in Margaret's memory, if desired, may be made either to the Thames Valley Air Ambulance or Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. The options for donations are either, on-line mentioning Margaret, or in sealed envelopes at the church or c/o John Wilson, Funeral Directors, Greenway Haddenham, Aylesbury HP17 8BJ.

The plan is to leave 51 Townside for the church at approximately 1.00-1.10pm. The hearse will proceed slowly down Townside to Station Road and then on to St Mary's. Alan and Margaret's sister Joan will follow by car and the family will follow in an informal procession on foot. Other mourners or friends who wish to join the procession are welcome even if not able to attend the service.

"We have been overwhelmed by emails, cards, letters and messages of consolation from so many people, too many to respond to individually, and would wish to express our gratitude here please. Our sincere thanks to everyone."

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