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Maypole Dancing 2017

by Haddenham Webteam – 7th May 2017
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Haddenham's traditional Maypole dancing took place on Saturday 6th May, on Church End green.

By coincidence, a welcome guest in the village at the same time was our MP and Speaker, John Bercow, who offered his encouragement and support to those about to take part in the procession.

As always, head tractor driver and compère extraordinaire was Michael Whitney, who led the procession from Church End via Gibson Lane, returning to the green via Churchway to begin the dancing.

Recently retired county councillor Margaret Aston conducted the Maytime ceremony, crowning May Queen Amelia Kundi and May King Joshua Chivers, while Attendants Evie Leale and Ava Gary received posies.

The male Attendants were Jonny Peel, William Leale and Callum Hall.

Local school children enjoyed participating in some familiar Maypole dances, including The Barber's Pole, Ropes, Double Plait and Spider's Web.

The musical accompaniment was kindly provided, as always, by Adrian Broadway, Christine Thorogood, Andrew Hearsey and Penny Heydon.

The morning was rounded off with dancing displays from the Haddenham Hoofers and Towersey Morris.

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