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Medical Centre Update

by Dr Mark Howcutt – 20th May 2020
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dr mark howcutt

Thank you to all who continue to wish us well and support us over this challenging time. We continue to work differently and so we are extremely grateful for your patience with the new systems. Your use of these has helped us to keep everyone safe and well.

Some of our colleagues have needed to self-isolate recently to follow health guidance about COVID-19. This precaution has sometimes left us with fewer staff than we would like. Please be understanding if you cannot speak to the clinician of your choice due to this. Thankfully, we have now (finally) had access to testing. Still, the time taken to arrange a test and then to receive the results means a member of the team still may be absent for most of a week.

It is really important over this time that we continue to ensure that children attend for their vaccinations and we are booking these for times of the day when we are not seeing unwell patients. We are also restarting smear tests in June so please book with reception if you are due a test. It is important not to delay these important steps to keep you in good health.

Medical Centre Visits
We are continuing to minimise the number of people who come into the building. We would ask that you do not attend the surgery in person unless you have a confirmed appointment, dropping off a repeat prescription into the foyer, or have been asked to come in by one of our team. We now have an intercom device in the foyer so please ring the bell and the receptionist can let you in for your appointment. It remains very important that if you do need to attend the surgery that you remember to maintain social distancing once in the waiting room. Unfortunately, we are regularly having to remind patients about this important step to keep you safe. Barriers and the spacing of the chairs are there to help you to keep your distance from others outside of your household.

Reception & Admin
We would like to pay particular tribute to our reception and admin team. They are doing a brilliant job under very stressful circumstances. We know it can be confusing for patients when systems change but our team will do their best to help you all to use our services easily. Their care and their ingenuity are amazing!

Mental Health
It is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and the theme this year is kindness. It has been so encouraging to see how the community has come together to support each other with acts of kindness (#KindnessMatters). Please remember to be kind to yourself too during this stressful time. If you do need more help during the pandemic, a reminder that there is a new telephone helpline for mental health:

Adult helpline: 01865 904997

Children and Young People: 01865 904998

The lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

There is a relevant video here

Dr Mark Howcutt
Haddenham Medical Centre

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