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Medical Fundraising

by Haddenham Webteam – 8th January 2018
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As everyone recognises, the NHS is currently struggling to provide adequate resources to satisfy growing levels of patient demand.

In order to assist in the provision of good service levels at a primary care level, members of the local Patient Participation Group (PPG) run the 200 Club Lottery – a prize draw that raises funds for the purchase of medical equipment or patient-related items that the Haddenham Medical Centre could not otherwise afford to purchase.

In 2017, for example, the PPG 200 Club draw raised £2,015 allowing for the purchase, on behalf of the Medical Centre, a projection system for the Health Training Room (for use in public information workshops and support group presentations, as well as staff training) and additional High-Backed Armchairs for use by less mobile patients as they wait in reception.

This year the PPG intends to purchase the following additional equipment:

  • A Paediatric SATS monitor (to monitor blood oxygenation levels in infants)
  • Blood Pressure Monitors for patients' use at home
  • Additional High Backed Armchairs for reception

Please help by joining the PPG 200 Club 2018 (or by renewing your existing membership for 2018.)

If you are already a member, simply Email: lesleycoles.uk@googlemail.com

You can download the application form simply by clicking on the PDF below the images on this page.

Thank you for your support.

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