This year's Midsummer Walk, organised by the Village Society, will be a follow on from last year's "Social Walk" exploring the Wychert Way.
Leaving the Tiggywinkles' Car Park (Aston Road) at 6.00 pm on Friday 28th June.
We will walk via historic Aston Sandford where we will join the Wychert Way and walk via Ford to Dinton, where we will go the Seven Stars for a meal and/or drink.
The distance from Haddenham to Dinton is 5 miles, and the return via Green Lane 1 mile.
If you do not want to walk back from Dinton, there are buses to Haddenham at 20.36, 21.06 and 22.06. Or maybe a kind friend or family member can offer you a lift back.
Please let Jim Robinson know if you plan to join us so we can advise the pub of approx numbers. Email: or call 01844 291831