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Missing Cones?

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th October 2013
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traffic cone man

Some residents of Sheerstock, frustrated by the roadside parking problems caused by rail commuters and the lack of any progress to resolve this, have recently taken to coning off areas of the road in the hope of maintaining safe passing places and space to park their own vehicles.

According to latest reports, however, it seems that these cones have now been removed.

Whether this was done by an official body (the Parish Council? Local police?) or simply a case of theft by a bunch of stag night locals remains to be determined.

But in the meantime, residents are calling upon the Parish Council to find a solution, and are unhappy that nothing seems to have changed since the public meeting in January.

According to one Sheerstock resident, who wished to remain anonymous: "fancy neighbourhood plans are all very well, but we'd like to see the Parish Council think more seriously about the here and now – not just about Haddenham in 15 years time. A practical, workable solution to prevent railway commuters from parking in Sheerstock is long overdue, and we're sick and tired of the Parish Council hiding behind excuses. It's always down to some other statutory body, some other group's budgetary constraint. At the moment, they are blaming Bucks County Council for the lack of progress. If that's true, and the Parish Councillors seek to represent us, we'd like to see more pressure brought to bear. This situation will not go away, and residents should not have to take matters into their own hands."

Anther resident commented: "Haddenham Parisg Council and Bucks County Council should be ashamed at the lack of action, especially as Chiltern Railways offered to make a contribution to the costs of a residents permit system. There is absolutely no reason why this should be dragging on so long."

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