On Wednesday 26th April the new Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft, visited Haddenham St Mary's School as part of a visit to the Aylesbury area.
Bishop Steven met pupils and teachers, other staff and parents as he toured the school. The children gave him a presentation of their life in the school and asked him questions. Later parents explained their thoughts about the school and how it combined Christian values with being a school for everyone.
Bishop Steven is on a tour of the Diocese of Oxford, which covers the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire. He became Bishop of Oxford in July 2016, having been Bishop of Sheffield beforehand. He originally comes from Halifax and has four children and two grandchildren.
On his tour he also visted the Aylesbury Vale Acadamy, Long Crendon and Princess Risborough, where he gave an evening presentation and answered quesitons from church members.