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Neighbourhood Plan Confusion

by Haddenham Webteam – 3rd August 2015
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Well, we do seem to be in a real mess over the Neighbourhood Plan situation! A retraction seems to be on today's menu. What will tomorrow bring?

Perhaps it's time to start a caption competition: at what, where or whom is the John Hampden statue in AVDC's logo pointing? Don't ask the Councillors – they won't have a clue. As long as it's not pointing at them!

Today, Monday 3rd August, AVDC has issued the following statement following the hostile response of local parish councils to the "Neighbourhood Plans won't count" message that AVDC released on Friday.

"The Council has been made aware of recent communications being circulated between Town and Parish Councils stating that AVDC has abandoned or will be ignoring Neighbourhood Planning following an information note that was sent to AVDC Councillors last week.

This is most definitely not the case and we will be issuing a detailed response and guidance for Town and Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Plan groups tomorrow.

Obviously this is a most unfortunate situation and we appreciate the concerns that have arisen in a number of communities as a result of this mis-information.

In the meantime please advise your community groups that Neighbourhood Plans are very much supported and, as the Local Planning Authority, our role is to ensure that they are fully supported in their development and that we do take into account the relevant policies and government advice when considering of planning applications, in line with national policy.

Tracey Aldworth
Aylesbury Vale District Council
Email: taldworth@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk
Statement Issued: Monday 3rd August 2015

To see a fuller statement, released on Tuesday 4th August 2015, see here

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