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New Chair: Safe Walking & Cycling

by Haddenham Webteam – 4th August 2021
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alan thawley

Haddenham Safe Walking & Cycling Group has a new Chair. The Group, which celebrated its 21st birthday this year, welcomes Parish Councillor, Alan Thawley, to the job of leading it into a future where walking and cycling become ever more important means of getting around the village.

Cynthia Floud, who has retired from chairing the Group after 12 years in the post, is confident that Alan will continue the good work. "This group works well together and each of us takes responsibility for helping out."

As a father of two school-aged children and an active member of the village community with a particular focus on environmental issues, Alan is keen to pursue the group's objective of making Haddenham a "Walking and Cycling Village". "These are big shoes to fill," he adds.

"The group has achieved great things under Cynthia and her predecessors. I'm lucky to have their knowledge and experience to draw upon as we look to the future, and also hope to recruit new members to give us a true cross section of the village community".

Haddenham Safe Walking & Cycling Group, a sub-committee of the Village Society, has made a real difference to Haddenham over the years. We got the Green Lane cleared and turned into one of the most popular routes for all the community; we worked with the schools to get the Woodways pedestrian crossing and with Chiltern Railways to improve cycle access and storage at the station; the path across the playing fields and the path to Snakemoor were our doing, as were the cycle racks by bus stops and shops.

The late Jim Robinson worked to replace stiles by kissing gates, some accessible by wheelchairs, thus opening access to the countryside to those who were previously excluded. Bill Piers continues this work. The Wychert Way, 13 mile walk around Haddenham, with spokes to attach it to the village, worked on by Jim with Robyn Thorogood and Brian Bowman is another popular success. Brian is now working on an inner ring walk.

Much is yet to be achieved: 20mph throughout Haddenham would improve our environment; the Greenway to Thame, for which we have been striving for all those 21 years, and a walking, running and cycling path to Aylesbury via Dinton are all essential if we are to keep our children, villagers with disabilities, the elderly and all of us safe and separate from motorised traffic, its noise and fumes.

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