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New Educational Trust in Bucks

by Haddenham Webteam – 2nd August 2013
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A new charitable trust was officially established in Buckinghamshire this week.

Thought to be one of the first arrangements of its type in the country, the 'Buckinghamshire Learning Trust' (BLT) is a registered charity set up by schools and the County Council to provide a range of high quality support to early years providers and schools, in a drive to improve standards.

The schools and the County Council have worked together to develop the Trust proposals to make sure that the new organisation delivers the excellence in education most needed to narrow gaps in attainment, and achieve the best possible outcomes for all children and young people across Buckinghamshire.

The trust will be funded by a grant from Buckinghamshire County Council, however work to establish the trust was partly funded by the government's Mutual Support Programme.

The trust's work and performance will be overseen by a board of trustees comprising headteachers, school governors and representatives from the County Council.

Sue Imbriano, Buckinghamshire's Strategic Director for Children and Young People, said: "The establishment of the Trust is a very exciting venture for education in Buckinghamshire. It is predicated on the whole system taking collective responsibility for standards across the authority and will draw on a wide range of expertise and knowledge in working to improve outcomes for all our children and young people.

"We look forward to a very constructive and productive working relationship with the Trust as we move forward in a climate of innovation and excellence."

Raza Khan, CEO of the Buckinghamshire Learning Trust said: "The Buckinghamshire Learning Trust will play a key role in ensuring the County remains at the forefront of educational achievement and innovation, whilst protecting key services to schools, early years and the education community well into the future."

The Trust is expected to be fully operational from September 2013.

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