When the King Head pub closed down at the end of December many people feared that Haddenham was losing yet another pub. Now there's good news: the pub has been taken over by Jenn and Paul, a couple with very local connections.
Jenn Holden, daughter of villagers Carol and Mike Holden, grew up in Haddenham, attended Haddenham County First School (long before it became Haddenham Community Infant School), Haddenham County Middle School (now the Community Junior School) and Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School in Aylesbury, before going to university in Manchester. She lived and worked in northern England for about 10 years before returning to Haddenham at the beginning of last year.
Paul Cossey's parents, Jo and Pete, grew up in Chesham and Amersham respectively and both have lived in Aylesbury, where Paul grew up, since the early 80s. After leaving school Paul went into engineering, working for an mechanical handling firm for 20 years. Only last year he took a management role at another company but the opportunity of working together at this pub in the local community was too good of chance to pass. Paul is an avid football fan, a huge Liverpool one at that.
Paul and Jenn got engaged three months ago and are looking forward to getting married at the earliest opportunity. Each has two children, between the ages of 14 and nine.
The couple posted the following on the Kings Head Facebook page about a couple of weeks ago: "Hello Haddenham! We are very excited to announce that we've taken on the Kings Head, and are currently settling in, developing our menu with their newly appointed chef and getting everything in place to open our doors as soon as restrictions are lifted. We can't wait to meet you all, please give us a wave if you are passing.
"Big thanks to Abi for all her help during the handover, she'll be missed as a landlady but we look forward to sharing a drink with her soon."
Last week, I met with Jenn and Paul (socially distancing in the pub's car park!), and learned that they were taking orders for a Valentine's Day dinner for two – for delivery to a limited number of people – and they will be starting other meal deliveries from Friday, February 19. Whilst the pub has to operate under lockdown restrictions they will be delivering on Friday and Saturday evenings (sides and starter dishes, and pizzas) and on Sundays they will be delivering roast lunches.
Their contact details are: 01844 292903 and orders@kingsheadhaddenham.co.uk
Christina Jeffery
Haddenham Correspondent for the Bucks Herald