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New Young Footballers Needed

by Paul Moore – 18th May 2018
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Haddenham Youth FC U12 (Year 7) had a very successful season last year, winning three end of season tournaments.

They then followed it up in 2017/2018 by winning the Red League (1st Division) and came runners up in Yellow league (4th Division).

All this with a small squad of only 21 players!

This exceptional group of players is now looking to add more players to the squad for next season as the teams move from 9-a-side to 11-a-side so that Haddenham Youth FC can continue to run two teams in the Wycombe and South Bucks minor Football league at U13 level.

The club is holding an OPEN TRAINING SESSION on Saturday 2nd June at 9.30am to 11.00am at Haddenham Junior school's main playing fields, on Woodways, and invite all players who are interested in joining either team to register their interest with Paul Moore.

Please email him at: paul_g_moore@yahoo.co.uk
or phone 07789877649
or just turn up on the day!

HYFC has four experienced coaches who have been training the players since they were five years old and are passionate about keeping both teams running.

So if you are considering changing clubs or want to play more football then please register your interest now.

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