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Open Gardens on Fete Day

by Cynthia Floud – 20th May 2019
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A number of local gardens will be open to visitors on the day of the traditional village fete once again this year – on Saturday 8th June.

This year six gardens will be open, at:

  • 16 Church End (David and Angela Truesdale)
  • The Malthouse, 4 Church End (Chris and Mary Wellby)
  • 9 Church End (Margaret Walshe)
  • 5 Flint Street (Ros Welch)
  • 15 Flint Street (Roderick and Cynthia Floud)
  • Manor Farm (Lizzie and David Banister)

As usual the gardens will be open in aid of the fete and in aid of the Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Our thanks to everyone who is opening their garden and currently doing the weeding!

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