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Orchard's Official Opening

by Haddenham Webteam – 2nd October 2017
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The Townsend Community Orchard is a Haddenham village project which has aimed to preserve a beautiful green space within the village and develop it as an area that community groups can use and enjoy.

The project is led by a committee and supported by a volunteer work party. In 2015 over 40 fruit trees and fruit bushes were planted by the volunteers.

During 2016-2017 the committee secured a grant from the Section 106 fund and it has purchased six log benches, an information board and two welcome signs. The benches have been installed in an open area of the meadow, known as "The Core" which has been earmarked as a outdoor classroom and a space for community events.

Local residents are invited to join the orchard committee members at the "official unveiling" of this exciting new development on Saturday 21st October 2017. The day's schedule is as follows:

10.00 Arrive and welcome refreshments

10.30 Official opening of the orchard and "The Core", chairman's address

11.00 Guided tour of the site by committee members

11.00 onwards: Apple Pressing demonstration

Feel free to bring your own apples and have them pressed.

The map shows the location (click on the image to see an enlarged version). The orchard has two pedestrian entrances: i. via Townsend Green, nearest postcode HP17 8JW, or ii. via Mallards Croft, nearest postcode HP17 8JW. Parking is limited in the nearby streets so please be considerate to local residents. The car parks at Banks Parade and the Village Hall are a ten minute walk away.

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