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Parish Council Elections

by Haddenham Webteam – 13th March 2015
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Have you ever thought about becoming a Parish Councillor; or do you know someone who you think would make a good councillor?

The nominations for election to the Parish Council open on Monday 16th March and run until 4pm on Thursday 9th April 2015.

On 7th May 2015, when the general election takes place, residents will also be able to vote to elect their local Parish Councillors. This is not only your opportunity to vote but also the opportunity to stand for election.

What does a Parish Councillor do?
Parish Councillors work together to serve the community. They come from different backgrounds and bring a diverse range of skills. Team work is important as no individual councillor can act in isolation. Here are some of the things Haddenham Parish Councillors are currently involved with:

  • Planning – commenting on planning applications, writing and defending a neighbourhood plan
  • Management of open spaces at Woodways, Sheerstock and Banks Park
  • Provision and maintenance of Street lights, benches, and dog waste bins
  • Managing the Allotments, Community Orchard and Snakemoor Nature Reserve
  • Finance – budget setting, governance and accountability, risk assessment
  • Fund raising and grant applications
  • Organising events – Haddenham Fete, Annual Parish Meeting, Public Consultations
  • Communications – editing the village newsletter, managing the website
  • Special projects – for example Heartbeat Haddenham defibrillator project

You don't need to bring specific skills as enthusiasm and a willingness to work as a team to support your community are all that is needed.

Parish Council Meetings

You will need to be available on Monday evenings to attend Parish Council meetings. The full Parish Council meets 11 times a year on the first Monday of every month except August. The Parish Council has five standing committees, Environment, Finance and General Purposes, Planning, Allotments and Communications as well as sub-committees for the Neighbourhood Plan a newly formed Community Orchard Committee.

Eligibility to stand

You are eligible to stand for election to a parish or town council if you are:

  • A British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union, and
  • 18 years or older on the day you become nominated for election.

And if at least one of the following applies:

  • You are registered as a local government elector for the parish for which you want to stand; or
  • You have, for the whole 12 month period up to the date of the election, occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish;
  • Your principal or only place of work during that same 12 months period has been in the parish
  • You have during the whole of that same 12 month period resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it.

You cannot stand for election if:

  • You are employed by the parish or town council or hold a paid office under the council (including employment by any joint boards or committees of the council).
  • You are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order.
  • You have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.
  • You have been disqualified under Part III of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (which relates to donations and other offences) or under the Audit Commission Act 1998.

Timetable for elections

If you decide you would like to stand for election to the Parish Council you will need to fill in a nomination form which will need to be signed by 2 registered electors (a proposer and a seconder).

  • In the 2nd week of March AVDC will send nominations packs to clerks for distributing to those who wish to stand.
  • 23 March -a Notice of Election will be displayed on the PC noticeboard and website
  • 23 March – 9 April (4pm). The nomination period
  • 10 April – Statement of Person nominated will be displayed on the PC noticeboard and website
  • 16 April – potential Notice of uncontested election result
  • 7 May – polling day
  • 9 May – parish election count
  • 11 May – Notice of election result, if contested.

Any of our current Councillors or Sue Gilbert the Parish Clerk will be happy to answer any questions you may have about becoming a Councillor or the election process.

Parish Council Office: haddenhampc@btconnect.com 01844 292411

Further detailed information:

Electoral Commission

Be a Councillor Campaign

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