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Parish Council 'Helpline'

by Parish Council – 25th March 2020
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The Parish Council has been working with local residents and organisations to establish a centralised community-based support system for Haddenham residents to use in these most difficult and unprecedented times.

Stopping the transmission of the virus is our main priority and this should be at the forefront of everyone's daily routines. We need to set processes in place so we can all comply with the Government and NHS guidelines. We all need to stay at home as much as possible, and only go out for essential shopping or medicines, or one outing for exercise per day.

Many residents are already self-isolating either because they are in a higher risk group or because they are showing symptoms of the disease, and this situation will become more widespread over the coming months. Please stay at home if you are in the high risk group or think you are infected and ask for help if you need it, we want to reduce the number of deaths in our village.

Haddenham is a strong community where we already look out for one another and there are many people coming forward with offers of help. Many of you will already be providing support to family, friends and neighbours. We now need to channel that support to make sure it is always getting to where it is most needed, and people don't fall through the gaps. We also need to make sure, as far as we can, that proper safeguarding and protection of volunteers is in place so people can ask for and receive help without fear of additional danger. The community support network will be an evolving process as we respond to the needs of the community.

We must emphasise that this is not an emergency service, we can't give medical advice and you should contact NHS 111 or dial 999 in case of a medical emergency.

Contact details:

Email (preferred): help@haddenham-bucks-pc.gov.uk

Phone (for those who are not online): 07760 458079

Dedicated page on Parish Council website

If you are offering to volunteer,

Go to the website and fill in the form – the preferred method

Or email, please use VOLUNTEER in the subject header.

If you are asking for help,

Please email, including HELP in the subject header

Only if your need is urgent and you do not have access to email, then call the phone above.

This will enable us to quickly respond to those who need help as priority.

These contact details are for community support only and may be monitored by volunteers, if you wish to contact the Parish Council for any other matter please continue to use our usual contact details.

More details

Please see here

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