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Parking on Village Greens

by Haddenham Webteam – 16th December 2016
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At times of peak demand for car parking space near St Mary's Church, such as when events are being held at the church or during school drop off and collection times, it is not uncommon to see vehicles parked on Church End Green.

We have been asked to remind all drivers that parking on our village Greens is illegal – this is true for Church End and Townsend Green. It is also illegal to park on grass verges next to the public road.

Driving up onto the grass causes serious damage to the surface, especially during wet and muddy conditions. Also, careless parking that results in vehicle wheels encroaching on the edge of the Green also destroys the defined edge of the grass at the roadside and leads to continuous erosion of the turf.

A short summary of relevant legislation can be read by clicking on the PDF below the images on this page.

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