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Patient Group News

by Haddenham Webteam – 4th October 2013
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The Haddenham PPG (Patient Participation Group) exists to provide a mechanism for patients to collaborate with the local GPs, nurses and their support staff – to provide voluntary help and support for the Practice and to offer feedback about the way primary healthcare services are delivered in Haddenham.

Most recently, a PPG member researched and prepared a patient information leaflet describing how flu jabs can be obtained privately by adults who would like to obtain this protection but do not qualify for free influenza immunisation under the NHS. You can download the leaflet from this website – simply click on 'Flu Jab' document, above.

Membership of the PPG is open to all patients registered with the Haddenham Practice, and the next meeting is taking place on Tuesday 29th October, at Haddenham Medical Centre, beginning at 7.30pm. Please let the chairman know in advance if you intend to come along. Email: chairman@theppg.org or Tel: 290244.

The chairman will be happy to consider any items for the agenda, or to hear about any general issues, comments or feedback you might wish to convey to the Practice staff or to fellow patients, if you are unable to attend the PPG meeting in person. (For reasons of confidentiality, specific issues or concerns relating to individual patients should not be communicated via the PPG , but raised directly with the Practice Manager – Tel: 293 300).

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