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Pavement Obstructions

by Hilary Handley – 14th August 2016
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plant overhanging pavementparking on pavement 05

Recently I have had more reason than usual to walk round the village and am both surprised and disappointed at the amount of obstructions to pavements. Given that the street lighting in Haddenham is, at best, poor and at worst non-existent, my nightly walk with the dog resulted in unexpected and unwanted entanglement with thick vines and the like as well as the occasional smack on the head from an over-hanging tree branch waving in the breeze. Not only did I have to walk on the road to avoid plants but also to get past inconsiderately parked cars.

Sometimes the vehicles were actually parked on the walkway, other times they were parked over the end of the pavement where it meets the road. Mostly though I found the obstacles were plants of one sort or another; some spilling over garden boundaries, some allowed to become too bushy whilst growing up the front of houses, uncut hedges and tree branches over-hanging garden walls to mention just a few.

Lovely though some of these plants undoubtedly are, they should not be obstructing pavements and making life difficult and dangerous for pedestrians, particularly those with wheelchairs or pushchairs.

I don't know why these obstructions occur; whether it's thoughtlessness, laziness, ignorance or just plain selfishness. Whatever it is, can we please make Haddenham a safer place to walk in.

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