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Pedal Powered Film Show

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th January 2015
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Haddenham in Transition hosted a film show at St Mary's Church on Saturday evening, 17th January, with members of the audience providing the electrical power for the projector to function!

The event attracted an enthusiastic audience of some 130 people, a significant proportion of whom had travelled to the event by bicycle – some cycling from as far as Thame and Chearsley.

The evening was co-hosted by Sustrans, the national charity working with communities, policy-makers and partner organisations throughout the UK to help people choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys and to enjoy better, safer spaces in which to live. You can visit the Sustains website here.

The evening began with introduction and update on the proposed Thame to Haddenham cycle route by Peter Challis of Sustrans, and then continued with the cycle powered screening of "Bicycle", a 90 minute documentary which posed the question: why is cycling and the bicycle back in fashion?

Haddenham in Transition (HiT) is a local group which acts to:

  • make locally produced food easy to buy and easy to sell in Haddenham.
  • make Haddenham an attractive place to set up and run a business and to work.
  • make walking, cycling and use of public transport convenient for people in the village.
  • reduce the use of energy in the village and increase our production of 'green' energy.
  • be part of a community that manages change for the benefit of present and our future residents.

HiT meets approximately weekly, and their gatherings are usually listed in the EVENTS section of this website. The HiT website can be viewed here.

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