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Petty Crime

by Haddenham Webteam – 30th September 2013
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Our latest news won't make for potential story lines in future editions of Midsomer Murders, but there have been some minor crimes reported in Haddenham of late.

No rest for the Wicked
Firstly, a public bench has gone walk-about. The bench was donated by a villager and was placed in the Sheerstock play area. Just a week after its original installation, the bench was stolen. The Parish Council put out a plea for its return and, thankfully, this produced the desired outcome.

Sadly, the same bench has been nicked once again!

Anyone with information relating to this theft is asked to get in contact with Gill Dudley, the Clerk to the Parish Council, either by telephone: 01844 292411; or by email: haddenhampc@btconnect.com; or Councillor John Wheeler, by email: j.wheeler246@btinternet.com

Fishy Business
We also have a case of poaching from Banks Pond to report. The crime (perhaps unrecognised as an illegal act by the perpetrator?) was enacted on Saturday morning 28th September, when a man was seen fishing from the pond. Apparently he caught and killed one of the large carp. By the time a Parish Councillor had arrived on the scene, the sneaky fisherman had disappeared.

Again, any information to the above contacts please.

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