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Planning Applications Begin

by Haddenham Webteam – 24th September 2014
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It will have escaped the attention of very few local residents that various developers are looking to build new homes on sites in and around Haddenham.

Public consultations have been carried out in respect of ground alongside the airfield, the glebe land off Aston Road/Stanbridge Road, land off Dollicott, and space adjacent to the Medical Centre.

Planning Applications are now being formally lodged with Aylesbury Vale District Council.

Quickest off the mark has been Haven Health Properties who submitted plans in early September to build eight terraced bungalows and a detached building to house a dental practice immediately adjacent to Haddenham Medical Centre. The closing date for public comments was Tuesday 23rd September, but the plans are still available to view on the AVDC website here. Search on this reference number: 14/02309/APP (NB: The AVDC website can be a little slow – you may need to be patient!)

Haddenham Parish Council has expressed serious concerns that this development extends beyond the defined 'village envelope'. Staff at Haddenham Medical Centre are also wary of the loss of parking spaces available for their own patients, particularly as a result of staff and patients visiting the new dental practice. The Patient Participation Group was more supportive of the development, however, recognising the need for more housing that has been designed specifically for older members of the community, as these bungalows have been.

On Wednesday 24th September, planning notices have also appeared on relevant locations in respect of the proposed development of the glebe land bounded by Aston Road and Stanbridge Road.

The formal announcement concerns "an outline planning application with new vehicular access from Stanbridge Road and Aston Road to be considered and all other matters reserved for the construction of up to 350 dwellings, including 45 retirement dwellings, with associated garages, parking, estate roads, footways, pedestrian linkages, public open space, burial ground, community sports facility, strategic landscaping, drainage and other associated works."

Residents wishing to inspect details of the planning application should click on this link and search on reference number: 14/02666/AOP

Relevant planning dates for this application are:

  • Consultation Expiry Date: Thursday 16th October 2014
  • Target Determination Date: Wednesday 5th November 2014
  • Determination Deadline: Wednesday 10th December 2014
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