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Planning Permission Refused

by Haddenham Webteam – 19th April 2016
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planning refused

Among the various planning applications that have been lodged for housing developments in and around Haddenham, a modest one in respect of Dollicott may have escaped the attention of the majority of village residents. Dollicott residents, however, were monitoring this application keenly.

We have just been informed by the Planning Department of AVDC that planning permission applied for by Mrs Alan Paterson & Mr Rex Carslake for the erection of two cottages with one garage workshop and parking on land at Dollicott has been refused.

The formal reasons stated by AVDC are as follows:

1. The proposal would conflict with policy GP35 of the Aylesbury Vale District Plan and would not constitute sustainable development in that it would result in dwellings which, because of their location, that fail to respect and compliment the existing ordering and pattern of built development in this part of the village. Further, it would fail to optimise the potential of the site to accommodate development by restricting options to be able to access the rest of the site and would therefore comprise inefficient use of land. The failure to comply with the core planning principles of the National Planning Policy Framework and the harm caused significantly outweighs any benefits of the proposed development. The proposal would be contrary to policy GP35 of the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

2. The proposed development would result in an intensification of use of an existing access at a point where visibility is substandard and would lead to danger and inconvenience to people using it and to highway users in general. The development is contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and the aims of the Buckinghamshire Local Transport Plan 3.

3. The access serving the site is inadequate by reasons of its width and alignment to serve the proposed development with safety and convenience. The development is contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and the aims of Buckinghamshire.

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