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Plea for Instrumentalists

by Alison Green – 11th November 2023
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village carol service 02

Calling all Instrumentalists
Our Village Carol Service, organised by Churches Together in Haddenham, will take place in the village hall on Friday 8th December. The start time will be 6.30pm rather than the more usual 7.00pm

It has been a tradition for us to assemble as many instrumentalists as possible to form a 'motley band' to accompany the carols at this event, so we do hope to attract a willing and capable group to come and play once again this year.

Please highlight this request to other Haddenham or local musicians who might also like to join in. It would also be really good to be able to include any proficient students if they can be encouraged to take part?

We suggest that musicians need to be of around Grade 5+ standard as we do not have prior rehearsals, just a play-in from 6.000m on the evening concerned.

We will follow the usual format -- rehearse in the village hall from 6.00pm on the day, using Kaleidoscope arrangements or sheet music, and play everyone in until the service starts at 7pm.
Please remember to bring a music stand with you!

Please let Alison Green know if you can join in.

Alison Green
01844 292088

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