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Please Update Records

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th December 2018
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This community website contains the published listings for several hundred clubs, societies, organisations and service providers in Haddenham.

To maintain Haddenham.net as a major one-stop source for local information, we need to keep our records as up-to-date as we can and it would be an impossible job for the editor without the necessary updates.

So we rely upon local organisers, elected officials and business owners to keep their contact details and other key information up-to-date.

Hence, a humble request please:

as the year draws to a close, would all local organisation officials and commercial service providers kindly check their listings on this website and email the editor with any changes that may be required?

The quickest way to find a particular listing is to enter a key word in the search window that appears near the top of every page on Haddenham.net (This facility is also a very efficient way of looking for information on a particular organisation or service provider when you need it). A key word like the organisation's name or something more generic like "dance" or "school" or "electrician" all bring up the various directory listings relevant to the term entered. Try it – it works well.

How To Update:

Please email any necessary amendments to: haddenham.net@hotmail.com with the subject line: 'Listing Update'

Sincere thanks
Keith Milmer
Editor, haddenham.net

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