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Police Consultation

by Haddenham Webteam – 5th January 2021
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Thams Valley Police are currently seeking your views on the future of their front counter provision across Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

They've launched a public consultation to hear what you think about their plans which have been developed to adapt to the different ways in which people contact the police, to meet the changing needs of the diverse communities they serve and to make necessary savings.

Here's their message:

"It is very important we establish the views of as many of our residents, businesses and partners across the diverse communities we serve.

The consultation seeks views on a proposed reduction in the number of front counters from 16 to 11, which would save approximately £1.4m.

Since March 2020, TVP has operated with just five of its 16 front counter sites open. Seven re-opened in October 2020.

The proposal does not affect police officer numbers nor the number of police bases we have so the public will not experience any difference in officer visibility in our communities.

Under the plans, the force will retain its front counters at Milton Keynes, Oxford, Reading, Slough, Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Abingdon, Banbury, Newbury, Loddon Valley and Maidenhead. The hours of their opening are also being reviewed.

TVP has 79 police bases forcewide, which are not affected, nor being consulted upon.

The consultation is hosted on the digital platform Snap, and will run until 31 January. Further details and a link to the consultation are available on our website.

If you would prefer to obtain a paper copy of the consultation please call 01865 542895 to leave your address for a copy of the consultation to be sent to you."

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