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Post Box Decision Made?

by Haddenham Webteam – 24th August 2013
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Local residents living in Aston Road and at the Southern end of Churchway have been frustrated by the closure of the Royal Mail collection box located in the wall of the former 'Beehive Stores' in Churchway. Various letters have been written to Royal Mail to complain about the loss of this facility, and we understand that the Parish Council "was hoping to have a meeting" with Royal Mail to discuss this matter.

One local correspondent has now received a reply to his letter of concern, and it would seem that Royal Mail has already taken the decision not to offer a new letter collection point in this older part of the village, irrespective of any discussions with the Parish Council.

The correspondence from a customer service advisor at Royal Mail reads:

"The Collections Planning Manager has looked into your request but has informed me that the above-mentioned area does not warrant the installation of a new post box at this time. The original wall box was removed a couple of months ago as the facility was on private property* and the decision was taken by the owners."

"The Collections Manager has intimated that there are sufficient posting facilities in the area and, as such, there are no plans to replace the post-box previously removed."

* Those residents who are relatively new to the village may not be aware that the post box in question has been located in the wall of this building for several decades. The development and refurbishment of the property is currently halted, having fallen foul of local planning regulations. Readers will draw their own conclusions about the attitude of the current owners.

You can read the background to this story here

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