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Power Cuts Possible

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th July 2014
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electricity pylons

Our local electricity distribution company, UK Power Networks, has been notified of a severe weather warning from the Met Office with heavy rain, thunderstorms and lightning forecast to hit the East of England, South East of England and the London area tonight (Friday) and over Saturday 19th July.

Preparing for a power cut

Below is some advice on how householders can prepare for potential power cuts:

  • Keep the UK Power Networks freephone number handy (0800 783 8866)
  • See the website for some useful videos offering you advice during a power cut
  • Keep spare batteries for radios and torches – local radio stations often broadcast helpful information
  • Keep an old-fashioned corded phone which you can plug in, as cordless phones won't work in the event of a power cut
  • Take care if using candles, tea-lights and other naked flames
  • Keep fridges and freezers closed, with a blanket over as they will stay cold for many hours
  • Switch off all your electrical equipment, except one light which will let you know when the power comes back on
  • Remember the street lights may also be off so take care if you go out
  • Exercise caution in localised flooded areas -specific advice is available on the Environment Agency website.
  • Look out for elderly neighbours and other vulnerable people
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