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Pre-school Provision at HStM

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th May 2023
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Proposed amendment to Pre-school provision at Haddenham St Mary's CE School

Haddenham St Mary's CE School intend to amend their Pre-school provision on the school site, run under section 27 through a committee of staff and governors, to offer a limited number of places to 2 year olds.

Being situated in an expanding village setting, the school recognises the need for 2 year old provision alongside 3 and 4 year old pre-school places.

The Pre-school runs for 38 weeks per year aligned with school term times; with sessions from 9am -- 12noon and from 12noon -- 3pm.

We intend to amend the Pre-school admission age from 1st September 2023.

We are seeking responses to this consultation by Friday 23rd June, either by sending the attached form to the Haddenham St Mary's School Office, or via email office@haddenham-st-marys.bucks.sch.uk for the attention of Mrs Gaynor Bull, Chair of Governors.

We appreciate that you may have questions on the proposal and have tried to answer some of these below:

Why are we proposing to amend our Early Years provision?

Haddenham St Mary's School would like to ensure that local 2, 3 and 4 year olds have sufficient
access to provision within the village.

Do staff and governors support the proposal?

Yes, the Governing Board, Headteacher and staff at Haddenham St Mary's CE School positively support the proposal, as they believe it would benefit current and future pupils, the local community and enhance existing Pre-school provision.

Will the proposal disrupt the education of pupils currently at the school?

No. We firmly believe changing the Pre-school admission age will enhance the opportunities for local families without any disruption to the school. There is no expectation for any external building work to be needed.

Why are we consulting now?

We are keen to understand the views of our local community on this proposal and so, as per best practice recommended by the Department for Education, we have incorporated a period of consultation into the decision making process. The consultation will run from Friday 12th May until 5pm on Friday 23rd June.

Will there be extra traffic and how will you reduce the impact?

We expect minimal traffic impact as initially the Pre-school will only have four additional 2 year old places. The expectation is pupils will be from the village and may already have siblings at the school and will therefore be travelling together. Indeed, traffic may well reduce with siblings at the same setting.

Will the proposal have any impact on admission to the school's reception class?

No. Current admission arrangements to Haddenham St Mary's CE School will remain unchanged and will not be affected by admission to the Pre-school. Please see Buckinghamshire Council's website for the school admission rules.

What are the next stages in the process?

Responses are welcomed throughout the consultation process which ends on Friday 23rd June. The responses will be analysed and the outcomes published on the school website.

How can I respond to this consultation?

Please complete the attached consultation response form and return it to the school for the attention of Mrs Gaynor Bull, Chair of Governors.

Alternatively, please email us at: office@haddenham-st-marys.bucks.sch.uk

We would really welcome your views on our proposal and look forward to receiving your completed response form. Should you have any additional queries please contact us at the above address or by email.

Thank you for your interest.
Mrs Gaynor Bull
Chair of Governors

Mrs Karen Collett

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