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Preserving the River Thame

by Doug Kennedy – 13th October 2014
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Are You Interested In Our River Thame?

Save The River Thame is a project that was set up since the river was polluted last year, killing much of the wildlife, with the aim of restoring and protecting the river and its wildlife in the longer term. For more information about it, see here.

Doug Kennedy would like to know if you are interested in being kept informed, or in helping him restore and protect the River. In particular, he would like the help of someone who is good at social media such as Facebook and Twitter to keep more people in the picture and build up interest.

A Working Group has started work and procured testing kits for nitrates and phosphates and is gathering a team of people to test the river water regularly. The group is also initiating various activities to spread the news about the river, and secure its long term restoration to a good state.

If you would like to be kept informed, or to help, please email riverthame@doug-kennedy.com.

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