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Puddleducks Fundraiser

by Haddenham Webteam – 4th July 2020
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Haddenham Puddleducks Pre-school
Fundraiser – 12th July

Like many charitable organisations this year our beloved pre-school in the village, Puddleducks, has and continues to suffer financially due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The village events, such as the fete and Beer Festival, have been rightly cancelled but funds raised regularly support this charitable enterprise throughout the year.

With this in mind and our overwhelming desire to support our pre-school the families and children are embarking on a 5km Family Challenge on Sunday 12th July. Everyone is welcome to join in and show their support individually or we welcome anyone who wishes to join our socially distanced walk at 10am (please meet at Puddleducks).

The event is intended to give everyone a choice on how they participate and help our Pre-School. Some may wish to cycle or run the distance themselves on the day around the village taking any route they wish.

We encourage anyone who wishes to walk to join our Ponney walk with the children, adhering to social distancing guidelines at all times. If you are unable to complete a 5km challenge yourself please donate if you can to this wonderful Pre-School, an essential part of our village community.

Even if you cannot join in the event our pre-school would be very grateful for any financial support you can share by making a donation to the JustGiving page set up for this fundraiser:

Puddleducks JustGiving page

Thank you!

The Fundraising Committee
Haddenham Puddleducks.

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