Haddenham-based Rectory Homes has submitted a further planning application to AVDC to extend its most recent development on Stanbridge Road (near the Garden Centre) to build a further 43 two and two-and-a-half storey flats and houses.
The new houses will extend the current village envelope towards Aylesbury by building on a plot behind the existing strip of homes lining the road from the Woodways/Lower Road junction along Stanbridge Road.
Click on the image to see an enlarged version of the site plan, or click on the PDF to see a higher resolution option of the same plan.
To see full details of this planning application and to make comment, visit the AVDC Planning portal here, look for the 'Search for planning applications' option and enter this reference number in the 'Search' window: 19/02145/APP
Haddenham Parish Council will be considering this application at its next Planning Committee at 7pm on Monday 15th July. Rectory Homes has been invited to attend to present its scheme. Members of the public are welcome to observe and offer comments or raise questions after the formal meeting has concluded.