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Reporting Potholes

by Haddenham Webteam – 7th February 2017
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The freeze-thaw conditions at this time of the year, coupled with the movement of heavy goods vehicles associated with all the building work going on in Haddenham, has led to serious deterioration in the road surface in many parts of the village. Transport for Bucks is keen that we should help them to identify problem areas, and have released the following statement.

A few more potholes in our roads is normal after a period of below zero temperatures, and Transport for Buckinghamshire is laying on extra crews to tackle them, as a result.

These potholes are formed through the 'freeze-thaw' cycle, where water gets into tiny imperfections or cracks in the road surface and freezes, expanding and pushing the tarmac apart. The water then thaws, creating bigger gaps in the road surface each time the freeze-thaw occurs. When traffic travels over the weakened section of road, the gaps cave in, creating potholes.

TfB says they are aware of the increase in defects, but they do not know where many of these additional issues have cropped up. Potholes can appear over-night, so a recently inspected road may have appeared fine, only to break up soon after. They are urging road users to report any problems they see.

Mark Shaw, Buckinghamshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Transport said: "We really need everyone on the roads to 'be our eyes' and take responsibility for reporting any defects they spot. Our online reporting tool is so easy to use and every pothole reported is inspected. We do have stringent criteria for the repair process, so not every pothole will be immediately fixed. But those that do not meet criteria for immediate repair will be closely monitored."

Anyone can use the online reporting system here.

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