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Richborough Appeal Dismissed!

by Haddenham Webteam – 20th July 2018
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We are delighted to announce that the Richborough Estates' appeal, challenging AVDCs refusal to provide planning permission for a development opposite Rosemary Lane, on the east side of Churchway, has been dismissed!

This follows the hearing held in Aylesbury on 4th & 5th July 2018 and a site visit made on 5th July 2018 by A Jordan BA(Hons) MRTPI, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

We reported on this appeal previously – see here.

The decision was released today, Friday 20th July 2018
Appeal Ref: APP/J0405/W/17/3188468

Land at Churchway, Haddenham, Bucks, HP17 8JS

The appeal was made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant outline planning permission.

The appeal is made by Richborough Estates Ltd against the decision of Aylesbury Vale District Council.

The development proposed is outline planning application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for a residential development of up to 72 dwellings, open space, landscaping, drainage features and associated infrastructure.

The inspector's decision is summarised on the PDF featured on this webpage

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