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Richborough Planning Appeal

by Haddenham Webteam – 2nd July 2018
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Both the Haddenham Parish Council and the Village Society objected to the proposal to build 72 dwellings to the East of Churchway, North of Green Lane.

Following a large number of objections, AVDC rejected the Application.

The developer, Richborough Estates Ltd, appealed against the decision, and the appeal will be heard at the AVDC offices in Ayelesbury, commencing at 1000 this Wednesday, 4th July.

HPC has forwarded further evidence to the Inspector

AVDC will be contesting the appeal, and it would be helpful if a good representation from the village was present to demonstrate residents' concern about this application which would result in a further 72 houses over and above those already allocated in the VALP.

The Village Society's objections are summarised below:

Land East of Churchway:

Application 17/01225/AOP by Richborough Estates to build 72 Houses

Haddenham Village Society Response to AVDC

31st May 2017

1. Haddenham Village Society, founded in 1965, seeks to preserve and enhance our village. Membership represents over 300 households in the village, approximately 20% of the current village population.

2. The Society accepts that Haddenham has to take its fair share of additional houses, but considers that every effort must be made not to sacrifice the traditional village ethos and community spirit which makes Haddenham such a pleasant place in which to live.

3. The Society strongly opposes this proposed development for the following reasons:

a. This is on land HAD002, designated in the draft Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) Housing and Economic Development Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) Report v4 (January 2017) as unsuitable for development.

b. Haddenham will struggle to absorb the over 1,000 homes already allocated in the HELAA. Building of houses in addition to those shown in the HELAA would impose an additional and unsustainable overload on the very limited local infrastructure, particularly on schools and medical facilities.

c. Houses built here would result in additional traffic using Rudds Lane/Townsend Green/Dollicott to the detriment of the Conservation Area, cause additional danger to pedestrians on the blind corner of Rudds Lane and other areas with no pavement, and increase traffic at the difficult junctions onto Churchway at one end and onto Tacks Lane/Thame Road at the other.

d. This development would result in the loss of high-quality agricultural land which currently also forms an attractive green belt around the village.

4. Haddenham Village Society strongly urges Aylesbury Vale District Council to refuse this application, which is neither needed nor wanted.

Graham Tyack
Secretary Haddenham Village Society

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