After a break of about six years Haddenham Rollers is being revived, thanks to Em Wood.
The club will meet in the village hall on Friday, 10th September (4.30-6.30pm), then on 8th October, 19th November and 3rd December.
Four to nine-year-olds for the first hour and 10 to 16-year-olds for the second hour.
All abilities are welcome and there are rails to hold onto on the wall in the hall with a one-way system in place.
Adults must stay with the child(ren) they bring.
Entry is £6 per child and there will be a café serving hotdogs, tea, coffee, squash, etc.
Skates can be hired for a small charge, but bringing your own skates is advised.
Wearing helmets and pads is also strongly advised.
Unwanted skates of any size will be gratefully received.