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Santa on his Float

by Haddenham Webteam – 25th November 2022
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Aylesbury Lions Club – Santa's visit to Haddenham

Please note: the Lions Club always do their best to adhere to the published schedules but sometimes weather conditions or roadside parking constraints in the tighter areas of Haddenham mean that changes need to be made 'on the hoof'.

Tuesday 29th November

We are starting at the CO-OP, Pegasus Way at 6.00pm

The route will be:

We will turn right out of the Co-op car park and proceed up TIBBS ROAD.

Turn into WESTLAND ROAD (on the right) and turn in the a cul de sac .

Continue up Tibbs road then turn right into HANDLEY DRIVE. Then we will take the sleigh round the estate as it runs into SEDGWICK STREET with a side road COXON CLOSE.

Return to Tibbs Road and continue to the end of the park on right hand side.

Turn right towards STAFFLEY MEWS on the very new estate, and then return to Tibbs Way (approximate time 6.35pm).

We will cross over Pegasus Way and enter COTTS FIELD

Travelling round COTTS FIELD, HOTSPUR CLOSE & PILOTS PLACE. Estimated time (approximately 7.00pm)

Returning via PEGASUS WAY then turning right onto THAME ROAD – pausing along that road for a period

Turn left into SHEERSTOCK. This part of the tour will take about 45 minutes – subject to the challenging route due to roadside parking

The next part of Santa's travels depents upon time and weather conditions.


We will then turn left up TOWNSIDE and right intp POPES ACRE.

Finally we will return to the Co-Op via TOWNSIDE and WYKEHAM WAY

Thursday 1st December

Day Two will commence from at Church End Green by the war memorial at 5.40pm. NB times may vary.

Most likely route:

From Church End Green Santa's Sleigh will proceed along CHURCHWAY then into THE GABLES.

Leaving the Gables (approx. time 6.00pm) the slay will turn right into WILLIS ROAD

ROBERTS ROAD and HARTS ROAD are rather tight for the Sleigh so it may not be possible for Santa to go along these roads. However, children will be able to meet Santa along WILLIS ROAD.

At the end of Willis Road, the sleigh will turn into STANBRIDGE ROAD and stop near MEAD FURLONG & FAIRFIELD CLOSE giving children and adults a chance to meet and greet Santa (time approx. 6.35pm)

Santa's sleigh will the cross over the road and enter THE GROVE estate, (time approx. 7.00pm)

Santa will be following a circular route round the estate. starting at CRICKETERS WAY, BARN OWL LANE, MASLIN ELMS, ALDERSON WAY, HEDGEHOG WAY & WILLOUGHBY LANE, plus side roads.

Every effort will be made to ensure that the children are able to meet Santa – subject to weather conditions and (sometimes) difficult roadside parking constraints.

Thursday 8th December

The third of Santa's routes and will commence from BRADMOOR FARM at approximately 6.00pm

Turning right from Bradmoor Farm Santa will proceed to the junction by the post office with Churchway then cross over and travel down RUDDS LANE to TOWNSEND GREEN.

Then into the "PLATERS ESTATE" (circular route)

Leaving the estate Santa will continue down the road to BANKS ROAD (opposite the Rising Sun) turning left along to the BANKS PARADE car park, pausing by shops for local children to come and see Santa.

He will then travel along BANKS ROAD, and turn left up CHURCHWAY, stopping at the entrance to STOKES CROFT Stokes before turning into FRANKLIN ROAD.

At the end of Franklin Road Santa will turn right down STANBRIDGE ROAD and then into BUTTE FURLONG.

Unfortunately Santa's Sleigh is quite long and the roads are fairly narrow, however the Children will be able to meet Santa along BBUTTE FURLONG

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