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Scarecrow Festival 2021

by Haddenham Webteam – 1st May 2021
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Haddenham Scarecrow Festival 2021 – Entries are Open!

Register your creation by 28th May

Haddenham Association Scouts and Guides is inviting applications from 1st until 28th May. All entries registered by midnight on the closing date of 28th May will be included on the official List of Entrants and Scarecrow Trail Map. Forms received after this date won't be included on the official map, but late entrants are welcome to display their scarecrow anyway in support of the event.

We are challenging people to use their imagination and creativity to make a Scarecrow using any resources they may have at home, in the loft, garden, shed, garage......no need to buy anything and straw is not compulsory! There are very few rules to follow, which are included on the Information Sheet for entrants (attached).

To take part, simply complete and return an entry form. Forms are available to download on haddenham.net (attached) or by contacting the organisers by text on 07554 141810 or by email scarecrowhaddenham.festival@gmail.com

The Association of Scouts and Guides is inviting voluntary donations towards our chosen charity, Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. The charity needs to raise £2,740 every single day to run their vital services at the Hospice, so every penny donated really does count. Details about how to donate are on the Entry Form and Information Sheet for entrants.

Passers-by will be able to follow the Trail and enjoy the Scarecrows whilst walking around the village, within current social distancing rules. Trail maps will be available from 5th to 21st June both online and at village outlets (venues tbc) in return for a donation to Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. There will be an opportunity for everyone to vote for their three favourites. Details about how to do this will be published nearer the time.

Festival organisers, Haddenham Association of Scouts and Guides, are appealing for help! Volunteers are urgently needed to help keep the Haddenham Scout unit running and also we would love to restart Beavers (6-8 yrs). We would also like to hear from anyone who could volunteer to help run or administer the various Haddenham Guiding units ie: Rainbows/Brownies/Guides (5-14 yrs).

For more information, please contact:
Scouting: Clare Clarke Email: dc@chilternvalescouts.org.uk or 07870 622414 or 01494 534724
Guiding: Sam Harris Email: avdivisionguiding@outlook.com or 07811 338920.

A final reminder:
In order to be included on the 2021 Scarecrow Trail Map, completed entry forms MUST be returned by midnight on 28th May, either by Email to: scarecrowhaddenham.festival@gmail.com or posted or delivered to: Haddenham Scarecrow Festival c/o 7 Dovecote, Haddenham HP17 8BP

Francesca Flaxton
On behalf of Haddenham Association of Scouts and Guides

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