Save the Dates: Haddenham Scarecrow Festival 8th-30th June 2024!
The Haddenham Scout and Guide Association is delighted to announce the dates and benefiting charities for their 9th annual Haddenham Scarecrow Festival.
Previous feedback from entrants and residents has been taken on board, so this year's Festival will start slightly later in June and will run for longer to allow people plenty of time to see all the entries.
The 2024 Festival will open on the morning of Saturday 8th June and will run until the evening of Sunday 30th June.
This year's optional theme will be "The Natural World" and funds raised from the Festival will be divided between two local charitable causes.
Firstly, the Festival will support ReLEAF, which was set up in 2020 with the aim of doubling the tree cover in the parish of Haddenham. According to scientists, planting billions of trees across the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. This is because wood is 50% carbon, so trees are a great carbon store, they take carbon out of the atmosphere.
Tree planting is not only a powerful climate change solution, it's cheap, available now and everyone can get involved. Many trees have already been planted throughout the village.
The other charity being supported this year is Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital Foundation, based in Haddenham. Using the best veterinary care available, they are dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating all species of British wildlife.
All British wild animal casualties brought to the hospital are treated completely free of charge and are released through a controlled programme, back to the wild, when they are fully fit. Tiggywinkles doesn't receive government or lottery funding, so they are dependent on donations.
Full details of how to enter the Scarecrow Festival and donate will be published later in the year. The organisers would love to include individuals, families, neighbours, whole streets, local businesses, schools, community groups and organisations who would like to make a make a scarecrow and take part.
In the meantime, please save the dates and start to think about what you could create. All last year's Scarecrows can be seen on the Haddenham .net Flickr page
To register your interest in advance or for more information, please contact Haddenham Scout & Guide Association c/o Francesca Flaxton at or text 07554 141810