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School Crossing Campaign

by Haddenham Webteam – 8th October 2014
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The safe crossing campaign being promoted by the infant and junior schools on Woodways took to the streets on Wednesday morning, 8th October, with a public demonstration of the campaign aims.

As part of the Walk to School on Wednesdays initiative, Emma Lister & Angela Matthews, along with dozens of children and parents, paraded their demand for a pedestrian crossing to be built at a site between the Junior and Infant schools on Woodways. PCSO Sue Jones was also there to help keep traffic flowing while ensuring that the campaign activists remained safe.

Campaign organisers and parents have become increasingly frustrated by the lack of progress in securing a safer crossing for children at this very busy part of the village, despite the fact that Bucks County Council has acknowledged that the best solution would be a pedestrian crossing.

According Emma Lister, one of the campaign organisers: "Bucks County Council agree that a pedestrian crossing would be best, yet in the next breath say that they cannot fund a crossing due to the low number of incidents on this road."

"Earlier this very morning a driver ploughed through a line of ducks crossing the road further down, outside the Banks Parade of shops, and two of the birds were killed instantly. Will it be a child next time? Should we have to wait for a human tragedy to occur before the dangers of this busy road are fully recognised and our children are provided with a safe means of crossing. We need a proper pedestrian crossing, and we need it now."

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