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Selfish Parking in Roberts Road?

by Roberts Road Resident – 20th June 2013
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selfish parking cartoon

We have a terrible problem with people dropping their kids off in their cars and won't walk them to school. It's people from the Thame end of the village.

One woman parked outside my house so I could not get back to work in time. She said I won't be long and refused to move it from outside my driveway. She got angry and moved it when I said I would drive into it if she didn't move.

If you have nowhere to park without blocking people in their homes, leave the car at home and walk. There is a car park at the doctors, just over the road and the park carpark right next door. But that would take a few extra steps ... Oh No! I will follow the next person that does this and will block their driveway for the day!

Moan over!

(Editor's Comment: If you wish to add your views, please do so on our 'Share & Chat' page, and click on the Roberts Road subject).

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