Calling Stitchers and Supporters for our New community group: Haddenham Scrubs Hub (HSH)
Some people may have seen the news item earlier this week about the "For The Love of Scrubs" (FTLOS) initiative that was started by Ashleigh Linsdell, a nurse and her husband living in Cambridgeshire.
The need: for huge quantities of scrubs, hats, scrubs bags etc for frontline NHS staff in hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries etc. Due to the need to prevent contamination, a medic for example can get through 10 sets of washable scrubs during one working shift and there just aren't enough supplies of these garments available.
The solution: an army of volunteers making these garments in their own homes for NHS and Care workers.
Through their Facebook site this project has now gone viral all over the country and there is a local Coordinator based and working at Stoke Mandeville hospital in Aylesbury.
Here is your chance to help our NHS and Care Workers by joining the HADDENHAM SCRUBS HUB team (Currently consisting of Fiona Simpson, Janet Robinson, Ailsa Bond and Liz and Nick Lock with support from Val Young and the Haddenham Stitchers. The Main Contact will be Nick Lock)
They are looking forward to welcoming more people on board. This team will be coordinating the village's contribution to the National project so that the FTLOS Area Coordinator at Stoke Mandeville hospital, or other recipients at Hospitals, Care Homes etc do not have to deal with loads of individual contributions, queries and emails on top of the vital job that they are already doing.
1. Join up to SEW something at home, sourcing and paying for your own materials (lots of info available for this)
2. Join up to SEW something at home with funding and HELP to buy or source the necessary materials (Funding is available through the Fish Scheme)
3. Join up to SUPPORT the Sewing team by DONATING money (through the Fish Scheme) to HELP FUND the materials (patterns, materials, accessories etc) required.
4. Join up to DONATE materials lurking unused in your cupboard – these materials will need to be pre-washed at 60 degrees and placed in a sanitised bag* before delivery to the person doing the sewing.
*See the Fish Volunteers' Delivery Protocol for an idea of what measures need to be taken when delivering anything to another person during this current crisis.
We have pulled together lots of information: see attached doc FTLOS Operationv4 (info on available pdfs and smaller item patterns, hospital specifications, sources of material, how to fund this etc) so this is just an initial INVITATION to express your interest in taking part in whatever way you would like.
Email Nick:
or Tel: 01844 291782
Or reply to the post on the Facebook page indicating how you would like to join from the Options above
Send a Facebook Personal Message Liz Lock directly
Happy Sewing!